Saturday, June 28, 2008


Rolling Stone Rank: 17

Sorry, I forgot to write about this album when I actually listened to it. So this is about 2 days after the fact. But nevertheless, there isn't much to say about this album that many haven;t said before

Nevermind represents one of the first albums in my life that I spent a large amount of time listening to. Now, I won't claim that I was on forefront of popular music (I was 6 when this album came out). I did fall for it when I reached my teens though.

Just like with Are You Experienced, the performance I appreciate most is the drummer. It is of course Nevermind where I began my life long love affair with the Dave Grohl. And apparently I'm not alone (At the time I thought I had found a diamond in the rough, but later at the first Foo-Fighters concert I went to it became quite obvious that many many others recognized Dave's brilliance.)

Time for bed, but what else is there to say about this prolific record? I guess, my one thought would be that their true sound really comes through on the second side of the album. But c'mon, who doesn't love Smells Like Teen Spirit?

Take some time, take a listen, post your thoughts.

Album: Nevermind
Artist: Nirvana
Year: 1991
My Favorite Song: I want to say Lithium...but Smells Like Teen Spirit
Tomorrow: The Boss

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