Thursday, April 23, 2009

The Anthology

Rolling Stone Rank: 38

So, I bought the TV.

Not sure why I was in such a down mood about it. Well that's not true, I know why. When I stress out about one thing, it carries over to all the aspect of my life. It gets me all depressed and, well, just weird. It's like focusing on the one thing drains all energy or enthusiasm I usually have about the other aspects in my life. Anyways, the good news is that my concert is over and the weight has been lifted off my shoulders. So, I have a kick-ass tv, the weather got warm, life is good. So on to Muddy:

We've been through this before with anthologies on this list. I don't have a problem with the songs, or with the music, or with the artist. I have a problem that these are considered the same type of "album" as the others on the list. Without getting into a whole thing about parameters, I just mean that this album by muddy encompasses the man's entire career. Compare that to the two weeks it took the band when recording Music from Big Pink. Just not sure it's an apt comparison.

OK, all that being said. I'm from Chicago, I love the Blues. I love Muddy Waters. The songs are great. These are the songs my dad played harmonic to while we were driving back from White Sox games. It's the music I listened to on XRT while falling asleep. If you don't feel something while listening to this music, then check your pulse.

Musically speaking, it's a pretty simple style of music, lots of repeated harmonies, not complex at all. What draws you in is the lyrics, the musician, the voice. It's a lot more dependent on the front man to grab the audience and take them along for the ride. And Muddy is one of the best.

Take a Listen, Take Some Time, Post your thoughts

Album: The Anthology
Artist: Muddy Waters
Year: 2001
My Favorite Song: Hoochie Coochie Man
Next Up: Please Please Me (TWSS)

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Hotel California

Rolling Stone Rank: 37

Hi everybody, short entry tonight. Hotel California is a great album, really well produced. A great sound that would go on to define the band for the rest of their existence. People my age and younger, we don't even know the country sound of the younger Eagles. Well, that's not true. My roommate Justin, has a love affair with this band. I'm pretty sure it's because his dad likes the band (isn't that how we all got started). Anyways, Hotel California was The Eagles first step towards developing their new sound. A sound that they would try to get back to their whole career.

Few things on my mind tonight. Some I can put here, some I can't. The one I do want to talk about is the new purchase for the apartment. Justin wants me to buy a new tv. That's not fair. We both are thinking about a new tv for the apartment. Anyways, I'm just wresting with whether or not I really want or really need a new big tv.

One of my friends in particular might mention that I don't really make a lot of money, so I don't really need to buy a giant tv, that maybe this would be a good time to cut back on watching tv. A part of me thinks that I should treat myself to this. I can afford to do it, even though it's a luxury.

I dunno, it's kind of a silly thing to blog about, but it's been on my mind for awhile. Sorry to bother you all with the mundane shit, but let's be honest it's better than the self pity crap I could be writing about. So, be happy you don't have to sit through that. Anyways, who doesn't love Hotel California? I'd love to hear a reason, cause right now it's sounding pretty good, and it makes the shitty weather seem pretty bearable.

Album: Hotel California
Artist: The Eagles
Year: 1976
My Favorite Song: Hotel California
Next Up: Muddy Waters

Friday, April 17, 2009


Rolling Stone Rank: 36

Hey all, sorry I hadn't written in a while. I have a concert coming up next week, so I've been running pretty ragged. But, never fear I have thoughts, and have been listening to music and such.

Tapestry. This is the reason why I started listening to these albums. To find the hidden gems that I had overlooked in my life. What a fantastic album, what fantastic song, and most of all what a fantastic singer. The story behind Carole King is pretty fascinating. Well, let me start that again. It's not fascinating to us now, because we've heard this story too many times to count. Anyway, back then it was a fascinating story. OK, sorry, moving on. She started as a song-writer with her husband, wrote a bunch of songs, most notably for guys like James Taylor. Well, one day, Taylor says to her "you should put out an album where you sing your own songs". Novel concept right? so she does it, and the "singer-songwriter" is born.

* Note: after some research I see that she actually released an album in 1970, one year before tapestry, so move the story back one more year, when she released a commercial failure. THEN she released Tapestry and her career was off the ground

I highly recommend taking a listen to this one, it's got all the hits you could have sworn that somebody else wrote. It's always amazing to realize that all this genius you thought was spread out over 10 different groups, was coming out of the same mind.

Starting another goal for this summer tomorrow...Golf.

Album: Tapestry
Artist: Carole King
Year: 1971
My Favorite Song: Man, so 'bout: It's Too Late
Tomorrow: Hotel California

Saturday, April 11, 2009

The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars

Rolling Stone Rank: 35

Great album. Really enjoyable to listen to, something that I think everybody should do. It's been kind of a lazy Saturday, so I'm not much in the mood to pontificate about the impact that Mr. Stardust had upon the music instrudy. Except to say that without Bowie, would we have the pleasure of being introduced to Sasha Fierce? Or the giant face posted to my right--->

J/K, In no way do I mean to compare the works of Bowie to those of Beyonce and Garth Brooks. And in no way are those two albums anywhere near as good as Ziggy Stardust. It's a little light rock, but I think that comes with the territory of 1972 releases. I like this album, although I'm not as avid a fan as many others. So please, Bowie fans, feel free to preach the glory of Bowie, I'm off to chicago.

Album: The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars
Artist: David Bowie
Year: 1972
My Favorite Song: Ziggy Stardust
Tomorrow: Carole King

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Music From Big Pink

Rolling Stone Rank: 34

I really had no idea who this band was until two weeks ago. I mean, I guess that I heard my dad mention them one or twice. But really, this is first band on the countdown that I really had no exposure to in my life thus far. Wow, I was really missing out. What a fantastic album, and what a fantastic band.

Doing a little research on The Band, I found out that they were Bob Dylan's back-up band. Actually (well according to Wikipedia...) Dylan offered to play on the album, but The Band turned him down. They said they wanted to make it on their own. How awesome is that? Musicians so confident in their music that they turned down some free publicity from Dylan.

Now, the big hit on this album is The Weight. You probably know if from those Singular commercials, thanks America. Anyway, that song is pretty representative of the album. Nice Country rock feel, very laid back, but with some good lyrics and solid music. I listened to this album a few times on the bus ride from Florence to Sienna. This flowing and groove really went well with the hills and wet atmosphere outside. It made the trip melt by.

Not much else to add, except that I think I'm getting a cold. But, I'm in a good mood.
I found an ipod touch outside our apartment two days ago. Anyways I put up a sign, and somebody finally called today, amazingly enough it was the guy who lives next door to us (the guy who Justin and I think works for the's a long story, ask me sometime). Anyways, it was his son's who was visiting over the weekend (divorce, I think). He looked so relieved, so yah!

I leave you with an interesting cover of this great song. Please to enjoy...

Album: Music From Big Pink
Artist: The Band
Year: 1968
My Favorite Song: The Weight
Tomorrow: Ziggy!

Monday, April 6, 2009

The Ramones

Rolling Stone Rank: 33

Well, what is there to say about this short little ditty? As you would expect, since it's the first real punk album recorded, it's not the most polished or most effective album; but, it's historical value is immense. To be honest, listening to it is not the most exciting thing (especially when you're on a tour bus with 50 high schoolers). If you look at the time in which is was made though, you can feel that energy and angst bubbling through the lyrics and music. Still, its not really comparable to the punk music being made today.

That being said, I wasn't alive to hear this band in the late 70's. I don't have the perspective, blah blah blah, you know. Anyways, I think the Sex Pistols sound 100 times better, and hell of a lot more real. Please feel free to disagree.

Maybe I'm just in an arguementative mood, but let me address one more thing.
I'm sick already of the "Go Cubs Go" facebook updates. So stupid, at least tell me something about the game, or where you're watching, or really anything other than "Go Cubs Go". I hate that stupid song, and I hate that stupid team.

Album: The Ramones
Artist: The Ramones
Year: 1976
My Favorite Song: Blitzkrieg Bop
Tomorrow: The Band

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Back From Italy

Got back from Italy today, just in time to go to work tomorrow =/
I woke up this morning at 4 am Italy time, which is 9pm Chicago time. I'm trying to stay awake so i don't wake up at 3 am ready for work.

Anyways, that's my disclaimer about this post...
First of all, I listen to a lot of music, so I'll get to those posts when I can get my head thinking clearly.

The thing I wanted to talk about here was the fear that all people have, that nobody notices, or cares when you're gone. On the trip, I didn't bring a computer, or check my phone. And it felt great. Well, parts of it felt great, I had quite a few memories of my previous European trip.

And not that I was expecting anything really, calls, no emails, no nothing. Doesn't help that I came back to an empty apartment, and spent the last however many minutes surfing the fb.

Aaaaand now it's snowing.

Ok, this must be just because I'm tired. I really did have a good time =). More thoughts about this trip later, tomorrow maybe