Monday, March 1, 2010

March 2010

Still not ready to review the next album, mostly been thinking if it's worth it to keep going with these albums.  I've gotten through the top 100, not sure where the drop off happens.  Or if it happens.  No, it has to happen, right?  Well anyway, a few weeks ago my ipod stopped working, which set me back in listening.  So for the past few days I've been having to catch up on all the Mr. Tony I've missed. 

Anyway, I just wanted to check in blog, let you know I haven't forgotten about you.  Jazz season is a week away from being over, and I'll finally get my nights back.  Just a few thoughts before I sign off:

Three of my friends are moving/have moved away from home again.  Of course when I say home, I mean the general Chicagoland area.  It's strange sort of occurence.  When college ended, most of my friends moved back to Chicago, like it was just another summer that they were home from abroad.  I guess I thought that like me, coming back here after college meant they were gonna give it a shot around here.  But what I think is more likely, is people just needed a little saftey net for their life.  They want to explire the world, but they wanted to make sure they if they fell, they'd land among their true friends. Well, they've gathered up their courage, it makes me think that maybe I too will take on that challenge. 

It's been a year to the day since I decided to make changes in my life.  Things are going all right, although admittedly not as far as I thought they'd be.  It's been quite a year, lots of ups and downs.  Riding out these winters defintely takes its toll.  But the sun will shine again, the snow will melt, and I dunno, something about smiles returning to the faces.
