Monday, April 6, 2009

The Ramones

Rolling Stone Rank: 33

Well, what is there to say about this short little ditty? As you would expect, since it's the first real punk album recorded, it's not the most polished or most effective album; but, it's historical value is immense. To be honest, listening to it is not the most exciting thing (especially when you're on a tour bus with 50 high schoolers). If you look at the time in which is was made though, you can feel that energy and angst bubbling through the lyrics and music. Still, its not really comparable to the punk music being made today.

That being said, I wasn't alive to hear this band in the late 70's. I don't have the perspective, blah blah blah, you know. Anyways, I think the Sex Pistols sound 100 times better, and hell of a lot more real. Please feel free to disagree.

Maybe I'm just in an arguementative mood, but let me address one more thing.
I'm sick already of the "Go Cubs Go" facebook updates. So stupid, at least tell me something about the game, or where you're watching, or really anything other than "Go Cubs Go". I hate that stupid song, and I hate that stupid team.

Album: The Ramones
Artist: The Ramones
Year: 1976
My Favorite Song: Blitzkrieg Bop
Tomorrow: The Band

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