Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Rolling Stone Rank: 69

Awww yeah, now this is an album. Love it love it love. It reminds me of the rides we take in Justin's Jeep in high school. let me take you back to a simpler time..

Saturday morning, I'm sitting patiently in my kitchen. Just finished an omelette, 3 eggs cause that's how I roll. Anyway I was just sitting enjoying the day, waiting for the activities to begin. And then I hear it, off in the distance, the rumble starts filled with trumpets bass and a hi-hat. Up pulls Keirans, sporting aviators as was the custom for us back in those days. Anyway, as we roll to our first garage sale Justin blares the funk. Shining Star, Brickhouse, the jeep is rocking as we cruise through suburbia finding our precious random crap. We pick up Kowal, Corcoran, and our posse is complete. By the end of the day, we've assembled quite the haul. Keirans bought a Cosby sweater, Justin got pants, KC scored a suit, and I got a hat with wings on it. And this happened just about every Saturday the last few years of high school.

It was fun, and the music made it even better. This album takes me back, but it's the same time of year helps in the comparison. Here's to sleep!

Album: Superfly
Artist: Curtis Mayfield
Year: 1972
My Favorite Song: Superfly
Next Up: More Zeppelin!

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