Sunday, June 14, 2009

Achtung Baby

Rolling Stone Rank: 62

Is it me, or does every U2 song sound the same? Well, to me it does. Eighth note rhythms on the guitar and bass with Bono pontificating over it. Sometimes it works, sometimes it's ok.

The only song worth anything on this album is One. Oh, and I guess the other thing is that with all those running eighth notes, it was a pretty nice album to exercise with.

Well, the school year is over, so I can finally relax and enjoy all this great weather we've been getting lately. It sucks that school went so late this year, and that we start so early next year. It'll boil down to not that much of a summer break. I've got high hopes for this summer, so I've got to squeeze it in.

Have a great Sunday
Album: Achtung Baby
Artist: U2
Year: 1991
My Favorite Song: One
Next Up: Stones

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