Sunday, April 19, 2009

Hotel California

Rolling Stone Rank: 37

Hi everybody, short entry tonight. Hotel California is a great album, really well produced. A great sound that would go on to define the band for the rest of their existence. People my age and younger, we don't even know the country sound of the younger Eagles. Well, that's not true. My roommate Justin, has a love affair with this band. I'm pretty sure it's because his dad likes the band (isn't that how we all got started). Anyways, Hotel California was The Eagles first step towards developing their new sound. A sound that they would try to get back to their whole career.

Few things on my mind tonight. Some I can put here, some I can't. The one I do want to talk about is the new purchase for the apartment. Justin wants me to buy a new tv. That's not fair. We both are thinking about a new tv for the apartment. Anyways, I'm just wresting with whether or not I really want or really need a new big tv.

One of my friends in particular might mention that I don't really make a lot of money, so I don't really need to buy a giant tv, that maybe this would be a good time to cut back on watching tv. A part of me thinks that I should treat myself to this. I can afford to do it, even though it's a luxury.

I dunno, it's kind of a silly thing to blog about, but it's been on my mind for awhile. Sorry to bother you all with the mundane shit, but let's be honest it's better than the self pity crap I could be writing about. So, be happy you don't have to sit through that. Anyways, who doesn't love Hotel California? I'd love to hear a reason, cause right now it's sounding pretty good, and it makes the shitty weather seem pretty bearable.

Album: Hotel California
Artist: The Eagles
Year: 1976
My Favorite Song: Hotel California
Next Up: Muddy Waters

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