Sunday, April 5, 2009

Back From Italy

Got back from Italy today, just in time to go to work tomorrow =/
I woke up this morning at 4 am Italy time, which is 9pm Chicago time. I'm trying to stay awake so i don't wake up at 3 am ready for work.

Anyways, that's my disclaimer about this post...
First of all, I listen to a lot of music, so I'll get to those posts when I can get my head thinking clearly.

The thing I wanted to talk about here was the fear that all people have, that nobody notices, or cares when you're gone. On the trip, I didn't bring a computer, or check my phone. And it felt great. Well, parts of it felt great, I had quite a few memories of my previous European trip.

And not that I was expecting anything really, calls, no emails, no nothing. Doesn't help that I came back to an empty apartment, and spent the last however many minutes surfing the fb.

Aaaaand now it's snowing.

Ok, this must be just because I'm tired. I really did have a good time =). More thoughts about this trip later, tomorrow maybe

1 comment:

Kim Holland said...

snow is the worst buzz kill for spring break EVER