Friday, May 16, 2008

London Calling

Rolling Stone Rank: 8

What can you say about this album, it literally has everything. London Calling may be the best album opener ever, and the styles vary throughout the 19 tracks.

Perfectly described by the writers of Rolling Stone, there is little else I can add to their description. Only to say this: Listen past London Calling, there are a lot of great songs on this album but most people don't get past the first track

Here is where I would normally write a lengthy description and history of punk rock, how the Sex Pistols are sexy and loud, but the Clash wrote music

But, I'm going to see Justin's Band 'Stashe! Oh yeah they rock.

Take some time, take a listen, post your thoughts.

Album: London Calling
Artist: The Clash
Year: 1979
My Favorite Song: London Calling

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