Friday, May 23, 2008

The Beatles (The White Album)

Rolling Stone Rank:10

Well, now that we're past that ugliness, let's get The Beatles. We've come to the end of the Top Ten, and really you can make an argument that this album doesn't belong in there.

It really doesn't gel together, and the RS article does a perfect job of describing the distance between the band members. Apparently Ringo quit for awhile, but to be honest, who would have cared if he did?

Other than that, my only complaint with this album is that it seem very studio-produced. Not very connected to their fan-base. Y'know, lots of Story songs, about people that aren't The Beatles. And people care much more about The Beatles. It doesn't really get good until While My Guitar Gently Weeps. But, in a was only John and Paul could, they pull off a pretty good album. Lots of hits, and lots of well written songs. Its just that the songs didn't fit together as well as some of their other albums did.

Take some time, take a listen, post your thoughts.

Album: The Beatles
Artist: The Beatles
Year: 1968
My Favorite Song: While My Guitar Gently Weeps

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