Monday, July 5, 2010

Slanted and Enchanted

Rolling Stone Rank: 134

The only thing I knew about Pavement before listening to this album was that they played the PTI opening song, which did nothing to prepare me for this album.  Liked it a lot.  Very "indie rock" sounding.  Think the extra white noise of Bleach-Nirvana with the strangeness of Beck with the energy of the White Stripes.  Yeah, I think that's a good analogy.  Anyway, lots of fun to listen to, especially while doing something active.  I happened to also get a listen to some of the extra tracks on the re-release, very enjoyable.

Gonna talk about something else her, RS changed their website layout.  It bothers me.  It bothers me for the same reason most popular websites bother me, and maybe these things bother you as well.  Now the computer that I blog on is my brother's old powerbook.  It gets by, but it's not the words best computer.  So whenever I head to sites like the newly designed RS, or ESPN's main page, or whatever, it takes me forever to navigate my way through the page.  Whether it's huge ads that take up half the screen, or just videos that immediately start playing when you get the page, it's a huge hassle.  Ugh, it's even worse for their top 500 list.  I just think that it would be in their best interest to make their page accessible to largest amount of people, and it's such a  turn off to deal with things like this.  Do you have issues like this?


Album: Slanted and Enchanted

Artist: Pavement
Year: 1992
My Favorite Song: I like the opener: Summer Babe (Winter version)
Next Up: EJ

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