Friday, August 29, 2008

The Joshua Tree

Rolling Stone Rank: 26

Going to make this review short as well. Sorry to loyal readers. My thought on U2 is that they are a great band, Bono is a great singer. They are very good at evoking emotion, and being socially relevant. They are very good taking up a cause. But, i don't think they are very good at writing original music. Don't get me wrong, Joshua Tree was very very entertaining to listen to. But as a music major, there was one major aspect that upset me. The endless subdivision this band seems to employ, I couldn't get over it.

Whether it's the bass playing 8th notes, or the rhythm guitar hammering out 16th notes. I just couldn't take it every song. I get that it moves the music along, i get that it keeps the music full of energy. I just can't take it all the time. Even Exit, what I thought was their hardcore song, went back to 8th note subdivision in the chorus.

It really took away with how good this album ought to be. I know that I should keep an open mind, but that really ruined that album for me. I'm going to give another listen in the next few days, trying to listen to it fresh and see if that does anything for me.

So all that being said, the hits sound great. That are fantastic at writing a hit song, a song that builds throughout until it hits a peak towards the end. Really enjoyable, and great to work out to, but it just got tedious.

Take some time, take a listen, post your thoughts.

Album: the Joshua Tree
Artist: U2
Year: 1987
My Favorite Song: I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For
Tomorrow: Robert Johnson

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