I know you have been eagerly awaiting my second post for some time now, and for that delay I surely do apologize. You may have thought I was a one-hit wonder, never to produce another worthy song or album. Not Me.
I'm in the 14th week of student teaching, which really means I'm in the 17th week since I started so early with marching band camp. I've interviewed at two places for jobs over the upcoming winter and both are exciting blah blah blah...
So that should be enough about real life stuff, now on to my real dilemma. Muisc. When I started this blog I had the aspirations to get back to listen to music.
But I haven't, and it sucks. The only music I seem to listen to nowadays is 6-12th graders playing badly on instruments.
At the Variety Show (at the high school where I am student teaching) I played in a faculty rock band. We played "Over You" by Chris Daughtry. 'Nough said. That is bad enough, but add to it the fact that I haven't had a working ipod in a year. I was on the verge of stabbing my radio with a screwdriver, but luckily a nano has floated my way. (...and by floated I mean that my sister bought a new one so I got hers as a
hand-me-down. How depressing...)
Anyways, I'm loading it up as we speak. Still haven't decided what album will get the honor.
Quickly, a word about the post title. Well, you can probably figure it out but it's my second post so i wanted to pick a track from a second album. Something about "Wanting just to stay awake, Wondering how much I can take" really spoke to me...
Lastly, Kim and I had the pleasure of seeing my friend Justin's Band play last Saturday. Since

but what struck me as odd was the reaction of the crowd to their song selection. I would say most of the crowd was a few years older than me, 30 at most. Anyway, they were playing mostly mid-90's rock. Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Weezer, etc.
I just thought "wow, this music is becoming this generation's classic rock".
It was just weird to see everybody rockin' out to The Offspring.
Extra points if you know the title of Chicago's second album, on which 25 or 6 to 4 appears...
Does this mean 80's music will be considered oldies?
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